Click the above guide to learn how to access this dev room area, which also houses the Dying Light 2 Finger Gun. This gives any weapons +500 durability, and can be applied endlessly to make sure a weapon never degrades to the point of breaking. You can also use the Dying Light 2 Korek Charm, which is a secret weapon charm that can be found in the hidden developer room.

But remember to also apply these mods to the Tip, Shaft, and Grip of each weapon, enabling you to boost durability by 150 points. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. A mod will boost durability by 50 points. This article is a disambiguation page for Weapons. These will be add things like fire, electrical and poisonous damage boosters, which also improve the durability. To do this you'll want to head to either the craftmaster or merchant vendor, to get your hands on a series of weapons mods - they are found in bases like the Bazaar. While they are undeniably helpful, the sound of gunshots can easily attract infected, especially Virals. In general, Firearms are initially rare in the early game, resulting them not expected to appear in abundance. The second weapon is the German 9mm Pistol. The first weapon in Dying Light is the God Hammer, resembling the Mjolnir that Thor wields.

Now that we've established you can't repair weapons, you may be wondering how to improve weapon durability in Dying Light so those weapons can hang around for that bit longer. Firearms (also known as Guns) are a type of weapon a gameplay element featured in Dying Light. Key Takeaways There are plenty of amazing weapons to choose from while taking down all sorts of enemies in Dying Light.